

【連載】ピックアップ×プレイバック 藤原ちから編(2019/12)―映画『解放区』




*English is bellow the picture, you can translate into your language easily.







 わたし自身、『演劇クエスト』というプロジェクトで、西成のように日雇い労働者の町として知られる横浜・寿町や東京・山谷を舞台にしたことがある。あるいはマニラのスラムや、安山(韓国)の移民街、デュッセルドルフの売春宿、香港のイリーガルな集落、バンコクの貧困層が住む路地……といった地域をそのリサーチ範囲に含んできた。「これはスラム・ツーリズムに陥ってはいないだろうか? アートのためと称して彼らの生活を搾取してはいないだろうか?」と問いかけながら。その都度、住民やコラボレーターたちと対話をしながら試行錯誤してきたが、模範解答は存在しない。自分なりの倫理観を追究しながら、ギリギリの境界線上で揺れ動きつつ作品をつくり続けるしかないのだろう。









Movie “Fragile”
Director; Shingo Ota

In Taipei of this summer, I met a film director, Shingo Ota. I’ve seen his acting on stage, but when I talk with him, I realize he is not only an attractive actor, but also an artist who has his own words. The movie “Fragile (解放区)”, which he shot in Nishinari of Osaka, was released to theaters in the autumn of 2019.

Nishinari (or Kamagasaki) is known as a town for day-laborers and backpackers, and there are plans for redevelopment by a major capital. So it’s a “particular” town. As some media reported, Osaka City government was forced to change the contents of the “Fragile”, but Shingo rejected the change and returned the grant. Probably because of this reason, this movie has taken five years to reach this theatrical release. But five years after filming, the film has not faded at all. Rather, during this “hibernation period”, the environment for me (us) to accept this movie has been prepared.

Over the last five years, the situation around art and society has changed dramatically. In particular, various approaches to “art in a town” have been made , and artists and audiences are gradually gaining the experience. However, their individual experiences have not been fully shared as archives, and the discourses are not yet to be created. In my opinion, this is a process of crucial change that will bring a structural change in the relationship between art and society, and “Fragile” is throwing a stone into this transition. I have watched this movie only one time, and it’s hard to say that I could accept the “stone” without any shortage. However, as one of the people related to “art in a town”, I think, verbalize is important. Therefore, I want to try to sketch the “stone” even if it’s imperfect.

First of all, a town is not a closed and secure space like a theater or a museum. If you go outdoors and just want to perform with a city view on your back, in terms of basic structure, there is not much difference from creating scenography in a theater; even you may need to get a performance permit, care about the weather, and keep the audience safe in some places. About the film shooting, we can think as the same.

But if you want to spend your time in a town, and be interested in the lives of those who are there, or make a project with them, you will get another difficulties and joys which are different from creations in a theater or museum. Then the border between “creator / audience” becomes vague, and also the range of “work” becomes unclear. It’s difficult to do everything according to the blueprints. You will be hit by various accidents and face some ethical issues. For example, you may obtained the stories of the residents through the research and exploit them. You may make poor people pageantry for middle-class audience. Or, you may exhaust people who are involved in your project.

I myself have been making a project called “ENGEKI QUEST”, set in the towns of Kotobuki-cho (Yokohama) and Sanya (Tokyo), which are known as towns for day-laborers like Nishinari. And also I have been including areas such as a slum in Manila, an immigrants district in Ansan (Korea), a brothel in Düsseldorf, an illegal settlement in Hong Kong, and poor alleys in Bangkok. I asked myself, “Isn’t it a slum tourism? Isn’t it exploiting their lives for art?” Each time, I tried and errored while talking with the residents and my collaborators, but there was no model answer. There is no other way but to seek my own ethical standards and continue to create works while swaying on the boundary.

In this regard, “Fragile” is a very borderline movie. I don’t know what kind of negotiations or appointments which the film director Singo made with the townspeople during the film shooting, nor how much this movie has broken through the “taboo” of Nishinari. For me, there were some anxious scenes, but if someone shoot movie in a town, it might need some impudent mind. Just I want to emphasize that I didn’t feel uncomfortable about the camera of this movie, and rather I was really amazed.


I think it was impossible to make this movie with just only the motivation to “describe the charm point of this town” or “describe the reality of this town”. Perhaps the strong desire as a more egoistic artist created this film. However, it does not mean “want to express something inside”, but rather “want to change something outside”.

The film director Shingo Ota himself also acted in this movie as a young man named Suyama. Suyama initially appears as a omewhat naive and unreliable person, but since the middle of the movie he has stripped the character and transformed into an unstable entity, and cause something in (by) this movie. For example, as symbolized by the scene where they are going to a public bath, he is trying to bring the movie somewhere by provoking and subversing the co-actors (and the audiences).

In the last scene of the movie, I the audience guided by Suyama and arrived at a room. At first glance, the acting there seems like Suyama=Shingo’s self-harm, but to me, it’s not a “pain” for self-destruction, but a “pain” for change and shooting the fake that spreads in this world.

Even if I (we) do not see, do not hear, do not feel, there is darkness in this world. “Pain” can be a passage to and from the darkness. When people cannot become to endure deception of a society which demands only light, people need darkness. But in order to obtain the “pain” to reach darkness, often they hurt themselves and others by violent ways. That is why the human world has needed art as a substitute. Substitute of violence… It sometimes carries the danger of becoming a propaganda that fuels further violence, but sometimes it also functions to dislocate violence. Like this movie “Fragile”, by creating “pain” without violence, it can make people aware of the existence of those buried in darkness, and open a window in the world filled with fake light.

Now the global art market has matured, and the social value of art has been more appreciated than before. The era may be coming; art is consumed as a supplement that provides moderate stimulation and nutrition. If artists can get works and their lives are supported, that era may not be a bad transition in art history. But there seems to be deception: art harmless to society. At least, there are some people who cannot be saved with such supplements (I am one of them).

Just the day I watched “Fragile”, a Japanese famous actress Erika Sawajiri was arrested for violating the Drug Control Law. Soon after, the scene of the TV drama in which she was going to appear was cut off, and her amount of damage was reported. To be honest, I just felt the news as “usual scenery”. By cutting off someone again and again in such a way, I (we) may keep the illusion of a safe and secure society, and may stop thinking with the common sense. No matter how bad things happen anymore, I (we) will paralyze our sensations, treat them as unrelated matters, and ward off with inaccurate comments. Or I (we) will explode the sense of justice and anger on SNS, throw abusive words each other, and cannot imagine who is behind the screen. How can I (we) make a window in such a paralyzed environment? On the day of her arrest, the director Singo wrote on Twitter that “Ms. Erika Sawajiri, when you come out from the prison, I would like to make the movie”Fragile 2” together with you”. For a moment, I thought what a ridiculous thing he said, But after considering deeply, now I can say, the movie which hasn’t been born yet may be the one which this world really needs.


藤原ちから Chikara Fujiwara

1977年、高知市生まれ。横浜を拠点にしつつも、国内外の各地を移動しながら、批評家またはアーティストとして、さらにはキュレーター、メンター、ドラマトゥルクとしても活動。「見えない壁」によって分断された世界を繋ごうと、ツアープロジェクト『演劇クエスト(ENGEKI QUEST)』を横浜、城崎、マニラ、デュッセルドルフ、安山、香港、東京、バンコクで創作。徳永京子との共著に『演劇最強論』(飛鳥新社、2013)がある。2017年度よりセゾン文化財団シニア・フェロー、文化庁東アジア文化交流使。2018年からの執筆原稿については、アートコレクティブorangcosongのメンバーである住吉山実里との対話を通して書かれている。